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Description:Ionosit-Baseliner for Stress-Free Restorations
Ionosit-Baseliner is the (stress breaker) among the dental materials.
This light curing active baseliner is the ideal one-component underfilling material for composite restorations.
Its active chemistry compensates for the shrinkage typical with composite fillings, prevents marginal gap formations, and, with that, minimizes postoperative sensitivities, microfractures and secondary caries.

Underfilling material for composite, amalgam and ceramic restorations and for blocking out undercuts.

– Gap-free restorations – Compensation of composite polymerisation shrinkage – Continuous fluoride release – Antibacterial properties (due to zinc content) – No complicated handmixing – Protects the pulp – Seals the dentine tubules – Prevents postoperative sensitivities – Radiopaque – Unique compensation for composite polymerization shrinkage stress

Gap-free restorations
Ionosit-Baseliner is the »stress breaker« among the dental materials. This light curing active baseliner is the ideal one-component underfilling material for composite restorations.
Its active chemistry compensates for the shrinkage typical with composite fillings, prevents marginal gap formations, and, with that, minimizes postoperative sensitivities, microfractures and secondary caries.
The material is radiopaque, provides fluoride release, and, due to its zinc content, has antibacterial properties.
Ionosit-Baseliner – for stress-free restorations.

Ionosit-Baseliner combines the optimum properties of glass ionomers andcomposites in one material. Ionosit-Baseliner expands by approx. 1% and this expansion counteracts the polymerization shrinkage stress of the composite.
It has been proven that Ionosit-Baseliner reacts with the dentine (data on file). This efficiently prevents the formation of a marginal gap and associated bacterial penetration. The dentine tubules are sealed and the pulpis